

从医疗保健到酒店业, business leaders are adopting CPaaS tools to improve productivity and collaboration.

现在是时候释放你的商业沟通的力量了. 在这个高度数字化的时代, connecting and sharing information with your colleagues and business 合作伙伴 is easier than ever before.


移动工作人员在不断发展, and businesses are increasingly looking to the cloud to gain agility and enhance collaboration. 企业需要简单的部署, 直观的体验, 以及易于使用的技术来支持敏捷移动性. It’s critical that the solution used provides a rich feature set and a variety of ways to engage efficiently with colleagues over any device of their choosing. 它应该与基础设施无关, meaning that these tools can be seamlessly integrated with existing communications platforms and telephone systems.

今天的工作场所正在迅速变化, and these tools must offer a variety of new capabilities to keep up in a high-speed, 永久连接的数字环境.

从个人生活到工作场所, digital technologies have served to make it easier to quickly connect with people and places, 分享相关信息, 安全协作,无国界. 如今的数字化工作场所也不例外, especially as the very definition of “work” evolves from an activity that used to require offices and meetings to one that can be done from anyw在这里, 在任何时候, 在任何设备上.

With mobile technologies proliferating across the enterprise and employees becoming increasingly able to work from anyw在这里, 办公室生活的概念正在迅速改变. Now accustomed to powerful digital technologies and always-on connections in their personal lives, 员工希望在工作场所也能得到同样的便利.

在过去, the main hub of office communication may have been the water cooler or a conference room. Today, though, workers connect and share information regardless of w在这里 they are physically. 由于这些趋势, communication and collaboration tools are becoming the very lifeblood of today’s digital workplaces.


例如,让我们想象一下 简出差去了. She’s working on her laptop to prepare for a big meeting in the morning when she realizes she may not have the latest version of the PowerPoint presentation. She opens her company’s communication platform and initiates a chat with John to ask him to send it to her. John quickly uploads the presentation right into the chat window and then video-conferences in the rest of the team so they can fine-tune tomorrow’s pitch. 简分享了她的屏幕,这样他们都可以查看她的演示笔记. This tool allowed Jane to talk with multiple colleagues with just one click and streamlined productivity by allowing everyone to participate regardless of their location.


以跟上数字化转型的快速步伐, 许多商业领袖正在整合基于云的基础设施, 软件, 和服务整合到他们的IT组合中,以增强业务敏捷性并提供新的服务, 为客户和员工提供按需服务. 但是说到他们的通讯工具, many businesses are working with existing platforms and have familiar systems in place that they don’t want to rip and replace.

对于许多IT部门来说,答案是混合解决方案, 哪一种混合使用内部部署和基于云的基础设施. This allows businesses to retain and continue using existing communication investments, while also enabling them to deliver innovative cloud-based services and capabilities to their employees, 即使是那些远程工作的人.

被称为 通信平台即服务(CPaaS), these cloud-based solutions are designed to integrate with on-premises platforms to allow them to access a full range of cloud-based services. 通过一个简单而高度直观的应用程序, 远程用户可以发送和接收电话或即时消息, 主持或参加视频会议, or dial a coworker’s extension all from their remote desktop or mobile device. A hybrid strategy allows management to provide enhanced functionality for their users while making full use of their existing infrastructure and delivering on the promise of cloud services.

Office environments aren’t the only place w在这里 CPaaS tools can be of value. 例如, hospitality companies can transform the guest experience and connect their entire hotel community (staff, 合作伙伴, 供应商)使用一个统一的应用程序. Imagine guests being able to connect with hotel staff at any point during their journey or stay, 管理自己的预订或取消, 并直接通过应用程序评价他们的酒店体验.


Students and teachers could also use a similar platform to connect with each other outside of the classroom, 让学生享受一个高度互动和 引人入胜的学习经历. 医疗保健, 运输, and government customers are also using these solutions to maximize productivity and offer enhanced services.

阿尔卡特朗讯彩虹™解决方案 is a cloud-based collaboration app offering a set of powerful communications tools that seamlessly integrate into your existing in-house applications and business processes.

To learn more about how ALE’s solutions can help you unleash the power of your business communications, 请浏览我们的 彩虹网页. 你也可以在Twitter上Contact我们 @ALUEnterprise 或者来找我们 啤酒LinkedIn.




马修Destot是B&Ingenico集团的一个业务部门. He leads the transformation of the global leader of payment terminals into the most trusted global technology partner in the new world of payment acceptance.

Prior to this appointment, Matthieu was Chief Operating Officer as well as EVP, Global Sales & Marketing at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and drove the successful transformation of the ALE Communications Business Division to offer connected platforms. 这为提供业务用户奠定了基础, 以及他们的业务Contact, integrated and innovative cloud-based collaborative workplace solutions operated by ALE. 在ALE有20年的工作经验, 马修在销售领导团队中担任过各种职务, 业务部门, 以及欧洲各地的技术收购, 北美和亚太地区, 他仍然是ALE的董事会成员. 

Matthieu holds a Master of Science in Engineering from the Ecole Centrale Lille and is a graduate of the ESSEC business school in Paris.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
