

Educators need strategies for remote learning that leverage learning management systems to enable student success. 这些策略必须包括使用安全的多媒体和IT技术.


Educators need remote learning strategies that leverage learning management systems using secure multi-media and IT technology that enable student success. 2020年春天, educators around the world were faced with a harsh reality – continue teaching in person and risk infection or worse, 或者转向远程学习, 准备好了吗?. Many had no choice as school districts closed classrooms and expected teachers to be able to teach remotely, 很快.


Many educators discovered that the tools for remote learning seldom mirror what a teacher can accomplish in a physical classroom.   例如, 在小学/中学教育方面, 老师通常会把学生分组, 监控他们的活动, 提供指导和提示, 并可提供私人咨询. 另外, they are able to 很快 handle classroom disruption with a wide variety of strategies, honed from years of experience and advice from colleagues and master teachers or administrators.

在高等教育中, 老师经常向学生提问, 用视频或其他媒体加强例子, 并且经常录下他们的讲课.  这两个部门都使用学习管理平台, 哪一个为课程提供了锚, 包括教学大纲, 评估, 和内容.

在人? 完全远程? 或HyFlex?

今年秋天,老师和学生们都回来了, many countries are still deciding what teaching and learning looks like… is it in person? 它会是完全遥远的吗? 它是两者的混合体,也被称为HyFlex?

无论交付方式如何, educators know that to best engage their students they will need to provide as close to a physical classroom experience as possible.  Providing continuity to familiar activity is an important dimension of interactive remote learning, 远程学习平台提供:

课堂控制 -在课堂上保持学习心态的能力

与LMS平台集成 – providing comfort in the familiarity of known tools and processes with the use of learning management system (LMS) platforms 

隐私 – ensuring that both the student and teacher’s privacy is protected and respected

出席 -让学校或学区知道学生的成功何时受到影响

安全 -确保只有注册的学生参加

多媒体内容 -提供多样化的能力, 引人入胜的内容, 包括视频, audio, 图形化的, 文本和PowerPoint媒体


在理想的情况下, 课堂控制通常是为每门课程设置的, 由老师决定他们允许所有学生访问多少, with granular controls during instruction w在这里 the teacher can swiftly enable necessary features (chat, video, audio, 文件共享)为特定的学生.  除了, another aspect of classroom control is to group students into study or activity groups, 这样老师就可以监控他们的活动.

隐私 – ensuring that both the student and teacher’s privacy is protected and respected

出席 -让学校或学区知道学生的成功何时受到影响

安全 -确保只有注册的学生参加

多媒体内容 -提供多样化的能力, 引人入胜的内容, 包括视频, audio, 图形化的, 文本和PowerPoint媒体


Integration with an LMS platform allows the teacher to continue to use the same tools as when they were on campus, 提供稳定的, 熟悉的经验, reducing stress and the need to learn new tools or methods during an already stressful time.

Student privacy must be securely protected whether in a physical or virtual classroom

保护孩子隐私的愿望是全球性的.  It is easy to mix the concept of privacy with security, as they are two sides of the same coin. We need to ensure that communications in the virtual classroom are as private as if the teaching were happening on campus.

This means that we also need security – ensuring only the students that are registered have access to the classroom.  Private communication in remote learning environments start with end-to-end encryption, 但他们并不止于此.  如果远程学习应用程序在云中, 数据也需要在那里加密, with ISO/IEC 27001 certification assuring appropriate security management is in place to protect access to the data.


学生的成功是高等教育的一个趋势焦点.  回到校园大大改善了这种关注的结果, 但如果校园是混合或完全远程教学模式, 很难识别和调解.  出勤率是学生学业成功的首要指标.

与小学/中学一样, class attendance data is critical to determine if intervention or other strategies are warranted.  因此, 在校园里, location based services can provide an automated mechanism to determine attendance. And, in HyFlex or fully remote, automated attendance reporting should be a criteria.


最后, 不管用什么方式返校, 参与式教学策略, 广泛利用互动和多媒体资源.  在分析春季的课程评估时,这应该不足为奇. 当学生参与到内容中时,他们会更投入, mirroring the research reported by Educause Research on 2019 Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology that students prefer a blended learning environment for many classroom activities.

在校园里, accessing bandwidth intensive materials requires high performance Wi-Fi supported by the underpinning Ethernet infrastructure, further supported by policy driven student profiles that enable access and preserve network performance.

2020年的秋天是否会回归正常, 回到原点或者介于两者之间, the lessons we’ve learned can help you provide the teaching and learning environment that best suits your student’s success.

To learn more how Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise can help you successfully manage interactive learning in remote classrooms, 请浏览我们的 学习的连续性 section.




格雷格Kovich领导ALE教育垂直业务的全球销售.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “安全的校园” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 

He is a 1992 graduate of Indiana University with over 20 yrs experience in Information Technology.





An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
