
卢多维奇-勒克莱尔博客作者- 150 x160
June 21, 2023

Improve your customer experience by connecting your customer with the right expert, at the right time, in the right context.


如果我们仍然相信“顾客是国王(或王后)”, then we had better do whatever it takes to make sure they are happy. With today’s quick, 易于访问数字媒体和社交网络, brands can be elevated or taken to their knees with the push of a button. Ensuring you deliver a customer experience that is second to none, is crucial. That means making your customer service strategy a top priority and getting your entire workforce on board.

Technology that enables superior communications and collaboration across mediums and provides employees with the tools they need to engage in meaningful contextual   customer interactions, will win the day. 虽然技术会有所帮助, organisations also need to optimise resources and budgets while continuing to deliver world-class customer service, 留住和吸引新客户. 将客户与合适的专家联系起来, at the right time to ensure a quick response and first-call resolution must be a top priority. After all, we know from experience that a satisfied customer is a repeat customer.


While it might be a challenge for large businesses to include the entire organisation in their customer experience strategy, 专业知识可以在团队中传播. It’s important that all employees are on board with the business priorities and customer experience values. Experts on the front line need to have the right collaboration tools, devices and applications to be easily reachable and to provide context to customer interactions. This approach will create a win-win for customers  who benefit from quality responses, 员工们作为一个团队一起工作.

在阿尔卡特朗讯企业,我们提供 全面的解决方案 that let your entire workforce be a part of the customer experience. 通过我们的智能呼叫路由和分配, desk phones and softphone applications we support your customer service goals. In addition, ALE subscription-based models can provide you with the flexibility to quickly adapt to new demands, on the fly, as needed.

Customers choose

Technology savvy customers are choosing how, when and where they want to interact. 提供一致的, high-level service while managing multiple interaction channels, as well as dealing with the growing digital channels demanded by the younger generation, 是今天的挑战吗.

Ensuring customers feel valued, respected and connected is key. Multi-channel engagement creates new opportunities to connect with new prospects, and it can provide contextual interactions with existing customers to better meet their expectations and potentially boost business.

而接入的频谱包括电话, email, 网站和社交网络, is pretty consistent, 我们仍然需要在所有这些渠道之间保持一致性. An omnichannel strategy offers a variety of new conversational channels through which customers can achieve first-contact resolution with an equal level of quality and efficiency. While digital channels still only represent a small portion of the exchanges happening between customers and brands, they are on the rise. Not offering these channels may ultimately result in cutting out part of your customer base.


Ensuring your brand, 产品和服务(以一种好的方式)留在脑海中, 意味着每次都能快速有效地做出反应. Rapid response with first-call resolution must be a top priority for customer-focused organisations. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications can help you add context to customer conversations by providing a history of exchanges, preferences, expectations, and most importantly, relevant information about the situation at hand or any other ongoing issues. Employees with this type of data at their fingertips can reduce customer anxiety or hostility and help to quickly resolve any issues. Additionally, Artificial Intelligence assistance can provide typical answers to address customer requests, and frontline self-service applications such as chatbots or voicebots can seamlessly escalate to a human agent for more complex issues.

Improving your organisation’s customer experience strategy doesn’t have to be daunting and it doesn’t have to mean an over-haul. ALE has the solutions to improve your customer’s experiences by connecting them with the right expert at the right time, with the right context to ensure the customer experience equals customer satisfaction.

To learn more about how to turn customer service centres into customer satisfaction centres visit our web page.

卢多维奇-勒克莱尔博客作者- 150 x160

Ludovic Leclerc


20多年的电信解决方案专家, 从载体到企业经营, Ludovic began his career as a software engineer and then moved to sales support and tendering for complex customer projects. 作为产品营销经理, he is currently focused on Cloud Communications and Customer Service solutions. Ludovic holds an Engineering degree in Computer Science (network, system, 和云)来自南特理工学院, France.

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