

这是一个关于ALE的真实故事. It’s a story about our digital transformation experience—w在这里 things got stalled, 以及成功需要付出的代价.

2019年,ALE庆祝成立100周年, 在这个竞争激烈的火狐体育手机中,我认为这是一项重大成就. 作为提供电信解决方案的全球领导者, one would think that ALE undertaking its own digital transformation would be pretty straight-forward, 正确的? 好吧,这么说吧,它不是没有教训的. 然而, before we get into that, let’s take a look at w在这里 it all started.


In 2016, ALE高级管理层得出结论, ‘we can’t help customers with their digital transformation if we don’t apply it to ourselves’. And so, our CIO gat在这里d a team of experts to produce a digital transformation framework for ALE. 我的角色是企业架构师. 开发框架是令人兴奋的,因为, 作为一个团队, 我们确信我们需要给组织带来改变.

我们在不到两个月的时间里完成了这个框架. 这是完美的(在我们看来). 方向和目标都很明确. 建筑设计得很好. 对计划进行了描述,并制定了路线图. We presented to Senior Management and received congratulations on creating exactly what they were looking for. The framework was shared with the company’s Executive Management Team and Business Transformation Managers and was, 在一般情况下, 好评. 然而, the framework didn’t get rolled-out:  most ALE employees were never even aware of the initiative. 那么,我们学到了什么?


Lesson 1:  Transformation must be lived by employees, not imposed by management

Three months later, the new position of Digital Transformation Officer (DTO) was created. 这个角色是管理信息系统/信息技术和质量部门. 到目前为止,实施这一倡议的紧迫性已经加快. 来推动事情的发展, a decision was made to get advice from an external consultancy firm that specialized in digital transformation. After an exhausting round of interviews (not unlike a speed dating session) only one firm piqued our interest. 而大多数公司采用标准的咨询做法, none of them had actually applied a digital transformation to their own business.

The company we selected suggested a different approach that resonated with us. 这不仅仅是要有一个伟大的计划. 我们还需要让员工参与进来. 数字化转型必须从员工面临的挑战中发展.


We recognized that the scope of our initial framework was perhaps a little too enthusiastic. We decided to narrow our focus and our efforts to concentrate on specific area of the business. We were convinced that a successful outcome would lead other areas of the business to get onboard and adopt digital transformation practices for their business domains. We basically initiated a ‘lead by example’ strategy which we hoped would permeate the organization. We were not yet calling it a ‘digital transformation’ but rather a ‘digital bifurcation’; a small change that provides value; that can be duplicated in other areas of the business; and triggers a wider cultural change.


Digital transformation practices sometimes require changes in the organizations’ management mindset. 他们可能需要被说服去冒险,比如:





At this particular time we were developing the master plan for the upcoming year. The master plan identifies and prioritizes each department’s transformation requirements. When it comes to budgets, Return on Investment (RoI) is often a key consideration.

Initiatives w在这里 benefits could not be quantified or were too optimistic were quickly cut. 运营团队, 然而, wanted to invest a significant amount of money to fix some issues from a previous consolidation project. 管理层的决定是迅速而明确的. Operations were given half of the estimated budget and nothing could be spent that didn’t have a clear return on investment.

这是我们的机会. 我们制定了提高运营效率的目标. 过去的一年对我们的运营团队来说是艰难的一年. 一些客户指责我们没有提供准确的发货信息. 我们很幸运, a new COO had been appointed who was supportive of this new approach to transformation.


We set up a small team of six ALE experts—three from Operations, and three from IT. The team met for an hour each day to strategize about the transformation process. In parallel, development resources were secured to ensure a short development cycle. 这个团队将识别问题, 定义所需的改进, 承接开发, 并一起验证解决方案.


每一天, 运维团队了解了更多关于现有工具功能的信息, IS/IT开始了解用户面临的挑战, 以及他们所看重的东西. 人们很兴奋地来参加每天的会议. 他们觉得自己有能力创造改变. 他们是专家,他们在做决定. The team delivered more significant enhancements in three months than was projected or planned! 客户印象深刻,运营团队也受到鼓舞.


良好定义的方法可以使团队保持在成功的道路上. As part of the Operations efficiency initiative we implemented the following seven fundamental steps. 为了帮助我们处理最小的细节并保持正轨,我们需要:

1. 关注结果

2. 了解问题的根本原因

3. 根据影响对问题进行优先排序

4. 审核流程以了解在哪些地方可以选择自动化

5. 定期寻求客户反馈

6. 通过发起人反馈确保治理

7. 一起设计和建造

The Operations efficiency digital transformation project has been deemed a success and raised visibility throughout the company about the benefits of transformation. To accelerate new initiatives and expand transformation project across our company, DTO决定创建数字工作室. 作为DTO的一部分, the Digital Studio provides an environment w在这里 small teams can come together to tackle specific topics with a goal to expedite transformation activities within their organizations to create maximum value as quickly as possible.




Sebastien目前是ALE数字工作室的总监. He is responsible for applying digital transformation best practices to ALE. Sebastien has been involved over the past 20 years in ALE transformation as a business analyst, program manager and enterprise architect covering many domains of the company. 他毕业于法国图卢兹高等教育学院.





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