
组织者Mauro Rizzi

弹性网络, 提供简单的服务, 让IT领导者将他们的注意力从管理网络转移, 经营企业.

It's no secret that network configuration has traditionally been labor intensive, taking days if not weeks to manually configure an enterprise network, 一个元素接一个元素.

不过,幸运的是,情况正在改变. 根据Gartner的2018年战略路线图&O自动化, by 2022, 90%的IT领导者将专注于促进交易, 而不是建造或运行他们的基础设施. As service provisioning catches up with the automated world of IT, 部署新应用程序只需几分钟, enterprises are freeing up network 管理rs' time to concentrate on deploying services that can drive new revenue streams to help pay for digital transformation.



企业需要提供安全保障, automated wired and wireless connectivity for their digital network users, 设备, 和物联网(物联网). The key to success is a resilient network that is easy to provision, with the 表演 and scalability to meet the flexibility that today's businesses demand. With real network automation IT leaders are in the position to shift their focus from building and running infrastructure, 就像过去那样, 新的商业交易.

也, simplified 管理ment with a single 网络管理 System (NMS) means that IT 管理rs will no longer have to handle two 管理ment systems, with two sets of policies and configuration rules for the LAN and WLAN.


The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Service Defined Network is a controllerless, distributed intelligence network that provides resilient connectivity, 表演, 可伸缩性和简单的服务供应.  The distributed architecture delivers 表演 and scalability, 具有企业现在需要的高可用性.

The Service Defined Network enables a 安全 connection automatically from a user, 或对象, 到授权的应用程序. The ALE intelligent Fabric (iFab) technology automates the deployment of the network and makes moves, 增加了, and changes easier to reduce the time and effort it takes to maintain and operate the network. Simplifying the network helps ensure a low total cost of ownership (TCO).

With the ALE NMS your get unified service 管理ment and network-wide visibility, 来帮助您提高IT效率和业务敏捷性. It provides a full set of 管理ment tools for the converged LAN and WLAN. 单一平台使您可以轻松地进行配置, 管理, and maintain the network infrastructure with its network elements, 警报, 统一接入安全策略, 和虚拟化. One network 管理ment system for both LAN and WLAN reduces the time and resources to monitor and 管理 the network.

Advanced network analytics also provide full visibility into wireless, 设备和应用, 在你计划未来的时候,哪一种方法能使预测分析成为可能.


服务定义网络的好处跨越许多火狐体育手机. 在 healthcare industry a Service Defined Network simplifies and 安全s how 工作人员, 病人, 游客, 设备, 和对象, 连接到医院, 诊所, 或辅助生活设施网络, and it delivers the 表演 level that these individuals and groups need.


热情好客 它为火狐体育手机客人提供统一的访问保证, 工作人员 and 设备 can connect seamlessly across the hotel network. It also ensures that only those who are authorized to access specific applications get the access they need based on their roles.

在一个 教育 campus a Service Defined Network simplifies connectivity for students, educators and administrators while ensuring appropriate access to authorized applications and systems.

中的服务定义网络 运输 industry must be highly resilient and support many different types of mission-critical applications, 对象和用户, 有很高的安全级别. 当乘客在旅途中移动时,无论是乘坐公共汽车, 火车, 可靠的空中连接是关键.

当涉及到 政府 操作, 安全, 响应式公共服务, 改进应急响应系统, and wireless connectivity are essential to improve citizen’s experiences. 服务定义网络 provide the architecture to deliver the services and applications that 政府s require and that citizens expect.


A Service Defined Network can be up and running in just a few minutes freeing up time for your IT professionals to work on new strategic initiatives. Network access levels provide the security and QoS that different users, 工作人员, 管理和设备要求.

使用服务定义网络, 网络是简化的, 任务是自动化的, IT团队可以提供更好的服务并改进SLA, 改善用户体验. Monitoring network resource usage can also help you proactively address any potential problems that may crop up.

查看我们的网页,了解更多关于ALE的信息 服务定义网络 可以改变你的关系网.

组织者Mauro Rizzi

组织者Mauro Rizzi


Mauro joined ALE in 2009 to support the Central Mediterranean Countries with his presales skills and abilities. He then took the challenge to move to the position of business developer for the SEMEA region and visited quite a lot of customers around the globe and especially in Africa. Mauro is currently in charge of the development of the ALE networking business through the assistance and support in the roadmap definition and evolution. He supports the development of the marketing assets for inbound and outbound campaigns and special, dedicated programs meant to enable partners to be able to sell more and get more out of the solution proposed by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

Mauro graduated as an Electronic Engineer from the University of Brescia and then achieved an MBA from University of Padua. 38岁的组织者Mauro Rizzi是一名健身和科技爱好者





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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教育al institutions worldwide must modernise their networks to meet today’s new requirements.

标签- 自治网络
